Using my online resources

I've been very lazy about the way I use flickr and vimeo. I just pile stuff up there, which is fine, that's what these sites are for. They are a good way place to dump things you think you might need some time. I've not done anything with them though. I've just been treating the sites as an end in themselves. I should do more really. They are great resources, but they are restrictive if used in this narrow way. So, to try to start getting myself out of this, I've made two pages. The first is a gallery of photographs that I've taken that I particularly like.

It displays larger versions of my photos than can easily be seen on flickr, it shows them on black and it's dynamically generated twice daily. I created the page using python, spyce and flickrClient (though I do use Beej's python flickr API also). The page separates the landscape and portrait images in my "I like these" set and displays alternate rows of landscape and portrait images, with a nice fat black border around them. The flickr set is checked twice daily, and the order is randomised, so it should look different next time you check back. Now that it is set up, I can adjust the images which are displayed by adding to and removing from the set on flickr. This helps me to think about whether I really do like the images.

In a similar vein, I've made a page showing my favourite videos from my videos on vimeo:

This isn't dynamic, but contains information about the videos, and how they are connected and stuff. Since vimeo doesn't yet allow embedding of HD videos, this is not entirely satisfying.